It's interesting that so many people are curious about the decision my handsome dimpled husband and I made to elope and not have a wedding. I have no problem explaining my side of our decision.When people feel the need to question why we got married or place judgment on us, I find it odd as marriage is a promise not for them and us, but he & I.
I am in love with the handsome & stubborn man that I am lucky enough to call my husband. I don't mean momentarily love, I mean "in love" and "love." Where I choose him over and over and over again. Yes, I did put handsome and stubborn side by side in my description of him. He is both parts handsome and stubborn. I am not foolish enough to see only his strengths or the ways that I find him perfect. I am aware of his stubborn and am rather fond of it. It means he has loyalty and when he makes up his mind to do something, it will be so. It means he is internally strong in ways that many other men fall short.
We made the decision to get married as adults; permission not needed. We made the commitment to each other. We didn't need a party to make our commitment more real. We didn't need to spend 10's of thousands of dollars to make it special.. I have been to many weddings and yet, this quiet, cold, perfect, morning under a huge evergreen is by far my favorite one. Our vows were perfect, my memories happy, and the moment sacred. It had all the elements we needed: a man and woman in love, laughter, love, a pastor, a high five, a kiss and God. Nothing else needed.
We eloped to eliminate drama, skip the chaos of who sits where, and this bridesmaid doesn't like that dress, and the best man got drunk and said inappropriate things about the mother of the bride etc. Too many people get caught up in all the silly things that don't matter.
What matters to me is that I get to come home every night to a man who looks at me across the room and we share a conversation, to a man that I can't imagine my life without him next to me because he is my best friend. The thing is, if tomorrow something were to happen and he were to forget me and I had to take care of him, I would. No bitterness, no anger, just do it. Because I love him.
I married him to share every bit of myself. For the first time in my whole life, I am sure. I am sure that there is no one else I have ever been more "me" around as I am around him. I do not edit me. I do not adjust who I am when I am with him. I'd face hell and high water with him because we are a team.
With this man I have shared, a break up, a make up, "dates" to Walmart because that's what we had time in our schedule for, jokes, frustration, I have taken care of him when he was sick, bandaged him when he was broken, listened to him tell me I was wrong without me getting upset (that in itself is a miracle), there have been tornadoes and thunderstorms, shooting matches and motorcycles, flat tires, a furlough or two, road trips, broken bones, stitches, movies, midnight taco runs, poetry, misquoted song lyrics sung too loudly, video games, dinner with the parents, lunch with grandma, jealousy and forgiveness, miscommunications, changes in addresses, birthdays, some snuggles, soo much laughter, countless kisses, and a promise to never lie, not even about dumb stuff. With this man, I'd trust my life, my heart, and my forever.
So yes, I married the man I love. I married him for all the goodness that comes with him, all the tough things we will face. I married him to love and more importantly because I cherish him. I am honored to be known as his. I choose him everyday.
Anyone who can not understand that, I feel bad for.