
Monday, October 24, 2016

Dear first responders...

Dear first responders-
Those of you who see a need in others and your first response is to fill the gap regardless of personal gain or cost,
Those of you who are sleep deprived and eat less calories than you should due to your overwhelming need to assist those in some form of crisis,
Those of you who are the physical representation of law and the last lines of defense of others,
Those that race in the dead of winter along icy streets to stop destruction or violence,
Those who hold broken bodies,
the dispatchers who never get the cries for help out of their nightmares,
the face that remains a blank slate when others mock, demean, and insult your sacrifice,
Those of you who answer the phone at 2am to listen professionally or personally,
the doors that you pass through not ever sure of what is on the other side,
the hugs you give to the grieving, the broken, and the distraught regardless of smell, age, or income,
relationships strained due to pagers and on call,
the empty spot you leave in the bed next to loved ones,
the missed birthdays,
the holiday celebrations had on random days to try to preserve some sense of normalcy,
the conversations you refuse to share with your spouse because you try to limit their fear for you,
the search lights and strained eyes,
the smoke and flames you face,
the uniform that labels you but doesn't always keep out the elements,
the CPR you perform long past when it is helpful to give family members some sliver of peace,
those who eat in uniform more often than at the dinner table,
those who sit with their backs to the wall and watch doors and scan the room for threats,
those who change directions in the mall to avoid your family becoming a target to former run-ins,
those who polish and shine and press uniforms to honor your fallen brothers and sisters,
the ones who escort families members unable to walk with the own power due to the weight of loss,
the kind eyes an abused woman sees who she is bruised and battered,
the  rescheduled date nights,
the vest on the hook that means you are home,
the boots by the door covered in unmentionables,
those of you hated and loved for what comes naturally to you,
the uniforms that you dry clean to remove things you hold in and haunts your already hectic sleep patterns,
those who walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
those who do not walk to emergencies but run,
the cold meals eaten later,
the colder meals you give up on and just throw away,
the uniform that parts crowds who only see a uniform not a person,
the sirens that are normal,
the flashing lights your eyes are used to looking past,
the family who just don't understand why you choose this profession,
the emotional recoil from the real world,
the blue lines and the red,

Thank you.
Your good deeds do not go unnoticed. Your sacrifice is good and saves more than the people who encounter, you give family tree's more time. You enable people to live and love and laugh another day.

In case no one tells you today- well done.

1 comment:

  1. Their is alot of thing that go unannounced,not seen, or un heard of. Its out of our control some will be scared, hurt, lost, dying nobody can stop whats happend. Thats why it is impotant to always be stronger, work harder if thats what is needed, laugh when you could have smiled, and love even if your heart tells you not to. We all can serve a better purpose even if it wasn't needed. We all have a heart that is beating for a reason!
