
Thursday, October 27, 2016

What your underwear says about your love life ...

I went home last weekend and sat one morning eating my Aunt Fern's  homemade pancakes while she folded laundry . It seemed like a typical Saturday. She had already done the dishes, swept , cooked, and was grumbling at underwear as she folded them .
" Act right . You know how you are supposed to lay. Just get it together and lay down and act right."

At that moment, I noticed some things.
A. Everyone in my family is a bit off their rocker .(in ways that I am comfortable with and find oddly reassuring )
B.  I had never ever seen anyone fold underwear like that in my life . It was the most perfect way  I have ever seen in my whole life  . They were folded up from the crotch to the band and them quaded in a delicate dance of fingers and fabric .  They stacked absolutely perfect . They were amazingly flat and looked mathematically square . They might even have resembled a game of Jenga had she rotated the direction with each row .
C.  I thought about how I had never seen anyone argue with underwear.
D I had no idea that was even a way to fold undies . I wondered how many other things I probably have been doing wrong my whole life . It made me feel somehow small and immature and sorta foolish but I have no idea why . Maybe I realized how even more amazing she is ?
E. the amount of time and effort she put into folding was nearly at the level of art. Any possible line and wrinkle was removed and forced into perfect lines . Resistance was futile .
G I had no idea that someone could put love  into folding underwear . I assure you each fold was meticulously executed . She made sure that no ripple or wave would be left in the fabric . It was a labor of love . I was mesmerized by my aunt folding laundry .

I am not that kind of laundress .  I do not fold my undies . Honestly- once my booty is in them- all the wrinkles are removed by other means . Watching her artfully craft, pinch, and force the rebel wrinkles into the mold of perfection that all the rest of the underwear army had already been assembled had my utmost attention . What kind of love self sacrifices to that degree ?

I don't think I have ever spent so much time picking out underwear to purchase as was calmly and lovingly put into folding the stack . Had I never loved like that ? Would I ever put that much effort into someone for something so simple ? Why had no one taught me how to adult with laundry like this ? The questions and ponderings were swimming in my head .

Do I think that everyone needs to fold laundry of their loved one as gracefully and perfectly to show their love and devotion to their significantt other ? No . But do I think that giving up your time and energy to labor out of love for someone you care very deeply for is mandatory ? Yes, I do .

I don't think I have seen such a more simple picture of love in a long time . Does my uncle notice that she flattened each and every ripple ? I doubt that .   I don't even know if the perfect flattening makes single difference on whether said undies are more or less comfy .

Does it remove that fact that I saw someone put their energy into something so small ? No .
How you treat the small things in a relationship - THAT does show your love for others .

Are you willing to give up something for someone else - even if they never notice ?
I think more people should . Gestures of love and devotion are simple to attain and often overlooked ....but as I say in the kitchen eating pancakes and watching my aunt fold underwear- I was absolutely sure that my aunt and uncle are in love .

What acts of love and sacrifice do you do for others ?
The simple things , even folding  underwear, for others can be a reminder to the other person that you love them .

So I'm asking, what does your folding technique  say about your life?
How are you expressing and showing your love for others?

Are you just going through the motions? Are you letting the people in your life put forth all the effort? Are you pushing, pulling, and lovingly pulling the teeny tiny wrinkles out?

After all, the little things aren't little.

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