
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why I stopped saying the big 3: I love you

I have in my past been a bit of an “I love you” slut. I used it casually and didn’t put forth as much effort as I should have. I used it with people I loved, but was not in love with. I do still use it a lot with my friends, my family, my munchkin, and honestly, my students… because I have no doubt that I do very genuinely love them. I will admit that I care about people. Although, how deeply I oft leave off. That does not mean I do not care, and it does not mean that I wouldn’t endure bone marrow transplant for those people ; which I hear is supposed to be one of the most painful medical procedures and involves needles… I have a fear of needles and am a whimp when it comes to pain. I wanted to get back to a purer  version of “I love you.” I wanted the people I said it to, to KNOW I meant it with the absolute bottom of my heart.  I wanted my actions to stand for more. I wanted my intentional choices to be a reflection of my heart. I dunno that I had actually expressed or explained that to the person or person(s) who needed to know it, but in my head I knew.

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” Oscar Wilde It’s funny how you remember some things but not others. I remember that quote as clearly as the day I sat in the library working on a research paper in high school about Mr. Wilde. I can picture the black ink pen in my hand, the green book from which I was copying it, and the white unlined notecard in front of me as I scrawled it out word for word.  I think part of why I remember the quote is because I was at first taken about by the idea of it. My brain couldn’t fathom it at first and so I sat staring at it, contemplating it. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. The more truth and weight it held. Before that moment I hadn’t ever pondered the idea that the truth could be anything other than “truth.” I remember tucking the card along with about 15 others into my binder and throwing it all into my ever crammed backpack. That one card had started the thought army and its descent on the beaches of Normandy of my brain…creeping in where I wasn’t armed… sneaking under other thoughts that were seemingly unrelated. .. hidden behind things that were what I had previously thought were simple. 

I bring all this up to try to explain my personal lockdown and fear of the phrase, “I love you.”  I have come through a couple ugly relationships. I do not say that as an excuse for pity. I say it as a way to preface why the phrase “I love you” has shifted in my mind and become a more meaningful thing than it was previously used before.

I do feel the “I love you” rise up inside of me. I do almost say it. I did hear it screamed in my head as I snuggled in for bed. I did feel it as I kiss the face I adore goodbye. When the perfect hand is laid on my leg, I nearly choke on the words…but… I swallow them down. It’s not that I don’t want to say them. It’s not that they are not true. They are so pure and so honest, to say them scares me. I am afraid that if I utter them, the other person whom I care so deeply about that I can’t sleep at night will not understand  and that I have waited to say them because this time they are the exact perfect thing. What if I say them and the other person says they were “only joking” and I am so hurt that I nearly cry…sigh. What if they say them and it’s just a trap to have me confess my feelings only to have them make fun of me for being so foolish? What if my heart is just a game to be won like a game of tic tac toe? What if I let go and tell them that I don’t just care about them, that I do in fact, love them, and they don’t feel the same and the whole thing gets all weird and awkward and we stop talking?

 And here’s where I get back to Mr. Wilde. The truth about all this isn’t simple; and it’s not totally pure. I don’t say it not because it’s not true…and it’s not because they don’t know I care. I have been pretty open with the fact that I do genuinely care. I just can’t seem to let go of my fear.  And until I can let of my fear.. I try to let my actions say what my heart beats say everytime we talk.

The truth about me isn’t simple.

And my crazy isn’t pure.

My feelings and emotions are genuine.

I care more than I have understanding and more than I have the ability to verbalize.

Not the silly “Luv ya.”

Not the non personal, “Love you,”

Not the”lol, you know I love you but…”

Real ..true..

“ I love you”: I miss you when we aren’t together. I miss seeing you. I am in love with you. I worry about you. I pray for you daily.




Friday, July 19, 2013


Question I overheard at the library today got me to thinking...It wasn't a big question...
It was simple.

"Are you happy?" 

It wasn't directed at me. It was merely one I overheard as the munchkin and I were enjoying the city library. It sent my mind to a whole other dimension in self contemplation.

Am I happy? somewhat...
And better questions..
What can I do to change that?
So I did the only "logical thing" and I looked up what happy meant.

Merriam Webster describes "happy"as
HAPPY: favored by luck or fortune
2: notably fitting, effective, or well adapted
3a : enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment
 b : expressing, reflecting, or suggestive of happiness 
c.glad or pleased
d : having or marked by an atmosphere of good fellowship : friendly
4a : characterized by a dazed irresponsible state
 b : impulsively or obsessively quick to use or do something 
c : enthusiastic about something to the point of obsession
I dunno that I have really considered my self "lucky" although I do consider myself very fortunate. I am fortunate to have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, an amazing kid that I adore so much it makes me what more kids... etc. I am NOT what I would consider "well adapted.." so I fail on that front. I do think I try to reflect happiness. I am more oft than not glad. I have pretty good fellowship, I miss a few people, and rarely get brave even to say it but I do. I often feel dazed and irresponsible but that has more to do with my ability to overanalyze and over think... LOL..  I AM IMPULSIVE. that one is an absolute score for team happy.... and I dunno about that last definition. Honestly, It's a bit odd for me.
I guess overall I am relatively happy. I miss people and I am not bold or brave as I'd like to be nor am I well adapted. I wish I knew a few more of "well adapted" people who could teach me, but I think I'd make them loose their cool, so.. meh.
I noticed something amazing that WASN'T in the definition. It didn't ask me if I had regrets, or if I'd made mistakes, or if I'd done dumb things,  it never asked if I gave my heart to the wrong person, it never accused me of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or the right thing at the WORSE time...
I find that very refreshing. Its nice to have a checklist that is tangible to help keep my thoughts in check. Turns out, happy is not something hard to find. Happy is a state of mind.
I am happy, a few potholes in my path, but happy nonetheless.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Apologies and Guilt

There are some words and phrase that are powerful to me. Some that I frequently use, " I love you," there are ones I think about often and don't always use because I feel vulnerable using them, "I miss you," then there are two that I am not fond of using... and sadly, they often go hand in hand

"I was wrong."
" I'm sorry."

...all of the above phrase can change relationships between friends and love(s) but I think the ones I need to use more often are the last two.

I don't like to be wrong. That in itself is an understatement. I hate it. I literally hate it. Most people assume it's because I am vain. The truth is far more odd. It makes me mad at myself, not because I am wrong so much as the idea that I let someone down or misled them. I let myself look foolish. I am a fan of telling people the truth. I am a fan of being honest to the point of embarrassment ( most of the time.) However, I despise being wrong.

I don't hate saying "I'm sorry" as much as "I was wrong." Maybe because if I am at the point where I need to say I'm sorry I have already come to the conclusion that I have hurt or injured someone. I am not a fan of hurting people. I will avoid it. (Side note:  I avoid confrontation bc I am a whimp and often overreact)

I think I view "I'm sorry"as a healing thing and less of an admission of guilt so I am more comfortable with it. I will apologize when I think I have offended, when I have hurt, or when I feel it appropriate. But those words, " I am wrong..." Dear me... they nearly burn my tongue.

I have been told many times that I am stubborn and often need to admit I was wrong more. I have been told by friends, loved ones, exes, co-workers... and every time... EVERY one... it makes me angry. I dunno if it's bc I am stubborn or that I am too much like my father. Maybe  it just happens to be my main character flaw.

If my flaws are simple like this, I think I am doing okay. I think I personally consider pride to one of the worst character flaws.  I am not really prideful.  Actually, I fear pride. It prolly has a lot to do with teaching and studying English and seeing so many of the epic heroes creep up on their failure like a roller coaster edging it's way to the top because they were too prideful. Or worse, they were too proud to admit they were wrong and get help from others. Hmm.

Look out world... I might be on a roller coaster of doom after all.

Here is me admitting I am wrong.
I am wrong. A lot.

Here is me apologizing.
I am sorry.
( trust me the list I have of people who deserve to hear this is long and extensive )

Today I make the goal to stop being so stuck on not  admitting I am wrong.
Hopefully, I am not wrong in making it. ;)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fighting for what I don't want.

The truth is... I fail.

A lot.

 I make choices all the time not really sure of if I am doing the right thing. I figure that if I get it all wrong and fall at least I will have a better view when I look up again. I try to do the right thing. I attempt to be the bigger person; however, I am not always a fan of this.

I fail.
I try again.
I fail.
I try again.
I fail.
And then sometimes I actually learn a few things about myself.

I have learned that when there are two paths... I usually whimp out and choose the one I think is the safest option. The saddest part about that is that the "safe" option is not usually the one I want in the long run. I am tired of choosing safe. I am tired of trying to be the person that I am "supposed" to be to fit other people's ideas of who or what I should be. I am not really that girl.

I am a believer that everything happens for a reason and that the reason is USUALLY beyond what my feeble brain can understand. I agree that we accept what we think we deserve instead of fighting for what we want.

I think I often fight when I shouldn't and run when I should fight. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. It's really pretty simple. If I fight for the things I know I shouldn't and I lose them I haven't really lost. It's like buying cookies I like, but don't love that way I can easily not eat them and stay "skinny." I give up too easily on the things/people I want most because I am afraid that they will figure out that I am not really that great and will leave or hurt me.

I read a quote not that long ago about how when we truly care about someone we show them the truest most intimate and weakest parts of ourselves and then hand them the knife and hope that they won't cut us. It's been a  some time since I really let someone into that aspect of me. I nearly did a short time ago and then looked for an excuse to run..and did just that. I ran. I ran because my "ally" What-If started whispering in my ear again; warning me I could be truly broken by this scenario.
What if my fears are right... what if he doesn't really care... what if I let go and tell the truth about what/how I feel...

what if ..
what if..

I am a paint by number picture except the numbers seem to be written in Mandarin and I don't understand Mandarin and so I guess instead of asking the right people the right questions.

Here's to leaps of faith...
Here's to letting go fear...
Here's to following my heart.
Here's to fighting for what I desire.