
Monday, February 13, 2017

"In the name of love..."

Listening to the radio on the way home from school today I started pondering about all the thing people have done "in the name of love."

I thought about the husbands and wives who have held the their spouse's hand in the hospital and the love and devotion that it would take to be there as a rock for your spouse. You are witnessing someone you love most, hurting or sick. You are the calm and peace during a storm in their life. I thought of the fake smiles and warm hugs given to bring comfort. The ones fighting hard. The ones broken knowing this fight will not be won. I thought of families in hospital rooms making choices to remove life sustaining support. These are not light or easy choices. These actions are done in love.

I considered all the wars fought to protect loved ones in hopes that their sacrifice would be enough. The sacrifice of their families who do not get to kiss their loved ones goodnight or snuggle peacefully next to the warm body of their loved ones. The love being stretched thin across the miles and time zones. I thought of the families who move to where the military takes them. I consider those who step in place of others to prevent their demise. These are things done in sacrifice and love.

I think of the parents who work hard to provide for their children. The parents who sit up nights when their child is sick knowing they have to work the next day. The dads who play dress up and tea parties with their princess'. The moms who learn names of dinosaurs and the correct pronunciation to help feed their son's devotion to all things Jurassic or Crustaceous. The families who save nickels and dimes for vacations to build memories. The moms and dads who hold their babies and feel their heart melt down to their toes. The feeling of knowing that not only would you sacrifice for your child- but if anyone tried to hurt them, the lengths of violence you would go though to save and protect them. The fear and worry that you aren't doing enough. The desire to give your child a future that is happy.These are things done in love.

I think back on teachers and educators who have given up time and money to provide lessons they hoped who make a lasting impression on the minds of their students. I think to some of the teachers who held me accountable and made me love learning. I think of Mrs. Kennedy and her "life lessons" she sprinkled in with her essays, Shakespeare, and English lessons. I think of Sra. Wilhite and her drive to not just teach the Spanish in the book but also make our very entitled group of kids see the world around us and think about the lives of foreign countries. Coach Picklo and all the many, many cool dissections and explanations in Anatomy/Physiology. He explained synapses and cells with us running around the room passing off dry erase markers to signify things being passed between them. I think to about all the boring reading logs and half done effort I put into all my AP English classes. Ironically- many of the books that we read back then, saved me. They made me feel less alone. They gave words to express the struggle in my head. They provided the outlet for all the crazy and drama of my life. These teachers didn't put up with us because it was easy. I remember the hell and torture many of my senior class caused our school system. They had to love us. Their ability to show up every day and put up with our rough edges of learning and growth- that is absolutely love.

I think of all my friends who have somehow known the exact thing to say or NOT to say when I NEEDED them most. The poor souls who spoke truth to me even when I wouldn't admit it was truth. They accepted my hard days and bad attitudes. People who have handled my overly stressed and incredibly hangry. I do not handle change. I do not always admit when I need help. I am stubborn beyond what word or even puppets can explain. And yet, there are people who have reached out to me to stand in the gap between my struggle and my sanity. I am not easy to love and yet I am blessed and loved beyond my understanding.

I pondered that so many people give their time and energy in the name of love. How do we even begin to find or create words that explain sacrifice and love?

Tomorrow is Valentines. Truth is, Valentines reminds me of my mother. Her sitting on the sidelines of cold football games to see me. Driving to basketball games and cheering for me regardless of winning or losing. Attending band functions, choir shows, and Speech and Debate competitions all over the state. I think of her getting up and snuggling me in my bed on the weekends in middle school and high school just to talk and catch up with life. I think of all the times she argued with my VERY strong willed teenage self and never backed down. I think of her getting up EXTRA early on Valentines days to drive to allllllll the immediate family member's homes to put bags full of red underwear on our porches. She said everyone deserved pretty undies on Valentines. I'm positive she and God have had more than few "discussions" about me over the years.  I make her crazy. I also know that my momma loves me. I am sure I will never know all the tings she has done for me "in the name of love."

So my question to you- Are you telling people they matter? Do your actions show love?
What are you doing in the name of love for people important to you?

1 comment:

  1. Loving you on insta, now loving you more��������
